Wednesday, May 9, 2007

"Hooking Up"

Tonight we are talking about Commitment. I am calling it “Hooking up with God.” The phrase Hooking Up has a whole new meaning today than it did 5 years ago.

So why would I use that? I believe the reason students and young adults like to “Hook UP” is simply because of our lack of commitment.

The Age to get married has gone from 22 to 29 b/c more and more couples are living together before they get married. Yet we still have 51% of all marriages ending in divorce.

1/3 of children today are born out of wedlock. Commitment!!!

I am not talking about sex or dating tonight simply about how committed are we to our Lord? God’s people have made a decision about Jesus time and time again but they have never made a commitment to Him! This is where we are going tonight.

We “Hook Up” with God/Jesus when it is good for use but as soon as times get tuff or we don’t feel like it anymore we ditch God and do it ourselves. We want to be the star in our own Story called life when Jesus say’s be apart of my story.

Here is a video that I showed from tonight. It is pretty cheesy but get's the point across This is a great place to get resources and videos.

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