Monday, December 10, 2007

Leadership Lessons from Today's Staff Meeting

A few Leadership Lesson we talked about today in our staff meeting.

1. Inspect what you Expect
Follow up on all assignments. Each week in our staff meeting we talk about our expectations. For example I expect our staff to be on 2 school campuses a week. So each week each one of them share about their school experiences and their experiences from sporting events or hanging w/ students. This is always a fun time as a staff and we all learn about our ministry.
2. Write Notes of encouragement–
While writing notes you have to remember not to use certain words like “Love you” simply due to our culture today. Students will sometimes carry these notes in their bibles etc. so be careful what you put in a note the students or leaders will take it to heart, like it should be ment!!!
3. Don't Internalize. Verbalize.
We have an open door policy in our office. If you have a problem we expect all to share it behind closed doors and express themselves. One expectation is when you have a problem address it to your supervisor and when you do have 3 solutions of yoru own to that problem.
4. Make mistakes. Just Don't make the same mistakes over and over. (fail forward)
5. Just Say Hi.
6. Over Communicate. When in Doubt CC.
7. Always call people back

In our office we have a 24 hour call back. We want to return all e-mails and phone calls within 24 hours.
8. Your Attitude is Your Responsibility.
9. Who You Are is More Important Than What You Do

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