Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Prayer Time for Dusty, Kenzie, Deacon and Maddox Stanfield

Tonight Jennifer and I attend a prayer time for Dusty and Kenzi Stenifield. There were a lot of people that gathered from their Bible Study class to pray for them and their family.

We went around the room and prayed for about 30 min and then Brad Ayler, the young adult pastor, stood up and closed it out. Very Powerful Night!!!

here is how you can pray for them

1. That the Lord will bless our choice of doctors and the staff that will be surrounding us.
2. That He will give us guidance in the decision-making and planning between now and delivery.
3. That the Lord will remove major decisions from our hands and make His will evident.
4. That the delivery room/recovery will be peaceful and free from stress, anxiety, worry and fear.
5. That Maddox will make it through delivery alive.
6. That Deacon will have a chance to hold him.
7. That Maddox's spinal column will be covered with skin or a membrane at birth.
8. That the Lord will give us overwhelming peace, strength and unity in an circumstance~ now and in the future.
9. That we will be willing to be used by the Lord to witness to others and bring glory to Him.
10. That the Lord will grant protection for Deacon's heart and mind.

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