Sunday, August 10, 2008

Michael Akers - Gods Grace

This past week I had the chance to meet an old friend from High School at Starbucks in Hot Springs, Arkansas.

Michael Akers is a young man I knew when I was a young boy. We went our separate ways at a young age though.

Michael: Got into Drugs, Stole his brother’s car and went hill jumping and about killed himself, along with many other instances in his HS carrier he ended it at a party where he become drunk loaded a gun and shot it. The bullet hit a young man who they thought at the time could die. The young man did not die but was paralyzed. Michael was put into prison for 6 years. Through all the stuff he go into as a young man and in prison many would say he was “pretty messed up.” I’m sure many saw no hope left in him.

6 years went by and he got out of prison. To make a long, really long, story short 3 years after he was out of prison, 3 years ago, he accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior.

A few weeks ago he became a friend of mine on facebook and I saw he was a Christian so I had to talk to him. On our vacation to Arkansas I called him and meet him. This is a change man who is humbly broken before God and I believe God is going to use him in the ministry one day.

He has come so far yet his journey is just beginning. God’s grace is sufficient!!!! Don’t ever give up on anyone b/c our God is a big God and will never give up on us!!!!

I’m blessed to know Michael and honor to get connected back with him.

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