As we have prepared for the fall riot and making it happen here are some keys to us pulling it off.
1. We dreamed it this summer. Never wait until the last minute. Procrastinators will never win!!!
2. We had a PR Plane: We gave our students over 20,000 business cards to hand out 2 weeks before the event, we did a mail out 1 week before the event, we pushed it in every service and bible study, we announced it in the adult bible study classes, we joined with FCA and had them promote.
3. We created an Order 4 weeks out. I needed everyone on my staff and on the church staff to know what their lane was and what they were responsibility for pulling together for this event. For Example Tyler Hennessee was in charge of programming. This meant he had to take the order and pull the audio team and the media team together to be sure they knew what was going on.
4. We Stayed in our Lanes.
5. We were all over school campuses and practices of all kinds without breaking any laws or pushing the limits.
6. We were aggressive in asking students to be apart of this event.
7. We prayed hard!!!
8. We worked together as a team.
9. We created a follow up plan to plug students into the ministry. If we just have an event without follow through we fail.
You can see a copy of our Order for the event here:
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