Sunday, December 14, 2008

Curriculum for 210 student ministry.

I get asked often what we are using as our Curriculum. We have been using XP3 but now are changing. We are trying to simplify our ministry so it functions a lot stronger week to week. While doing this we have decided to take our Message Series and write questions out of those talks for our small groups to discuss.

In our JHIGH ministry we meet in small groups on Sunday AM. All the small groups will come in and go to their table (no master teaching) we will then do a skit, show a video or play a game (some element) and launch into the discussion time for that day. The key word there is discussion time. At the end of the small group discussion time Michael will get up and conclude the Small Groups from the stage with a small encouragement from the lesson.

In our HS ministry just the opposite will happen. We will write what we teach on Sunday AM’s then produce questions for the home group leaders (collision groups) on Wednesday nights.

This really simplifies our ministry and gets us a little more on purpose. In any case if a small group leaders does not hear the lesson from Wednesday (JHIGH) or Sunday (HS) they can podcast our HS or JHIGH and listen to it during the week.

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