Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Organizing your Staff

When you are in a larger area it is a little more difficult to connect with all students on all campuses. We have 7 campuses in which 6 of them have over 3000 students in our High School Ministry and over 13 campuses for our JR High Ministry. So how do we connect with over 19 campuses a week?

We break out staff down Jr High and High School. Michael Leads our JHIGH staff of 3 and Jeremiah leads our High Staff of 3. Each of them have 2 guys and 1 girl along with themselves to run the ministry.

We divided our staff out so they target certain schools. In our HS ministry each month the HS staff picks a campus that is in their area (that we have assigned to that staff member) and they target that campus. That staff member will eat lunch at that one school every Wednesday and then attend that collision group (home group) that Wednesday night also. The next month they switch campuses and collision groups. Tuesday of that same week they pick a random school to attend their school lunch. We then also attend all school activities weekly.

We break it down the same way in our Jr High ministry. This allows us to be focused on all of our schools and to take time to get to know the students in each school yet not forgetting all the students week to week.

I still believe relationships are a big deal in student ministry. Some believe the day of no school lunches, or going where the kids are, have come and gone. I don’t believe we have scratched the surface yet. In my own opinion I believe dodging going to a school lunch or activity (going where the students are) is just being lazy in ministry. Show the students how much you care so they will then listen to what you want to tell them!!!

Jeremiah and Michael are amazing at leading their teams in this way and we see a lot of success because of God’s Favor, Jeremiah and Michael’s leadership and our staff’s hard work.

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