Sunday, October 11, 2009

Success of the Crusade

Many have asked me what made the crusade so successful. Was it the cheer squads, dance team, drum lines, QB Challenge, Lineman weigh off, free food or the worship and speaker…

I would say all of that is great and make an A+ event but and event is simple an “event” unless God shows up!!!

The Students of Long Hollow Student Ministry are “fired up” for the Lord and made a great impact in their friends lives. So many students walked the isle with their friends.

David Edwards did amazing at communicating a clear gospel message for the students to respond too and Chris White and his band leading in amazing worship but our students brought their un-churched friends.

So why successful? Simply because God gave our students a passion for the lost and they went after it!!!

Add a little “effort and Logic,” as Dave Edwards would say, to a group of students that have a passion and you see the masses come and the un-churched students be saved.

It does take Effort and Logic though on the leaders end. That is another blog though…

I am so proud of Long Hollow Student Ministry and blessed to be a part of it!!!

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