Monday, November 11, 2013

Interning @LHStudents by Steven Dorse

This summer has been an experience that I will never forget. From chipping my tooth to seeing hundreds of middle school and high school kids live's radically changed by the grace and mercy of our Savior. Although I have grown up in this youth ministry and been apart of camp for the past eight years it has been a eye opening experience to see what work goes into making the summer run smoothly. One of the biggest things is to be a leader not a friend. We know that most kids have many friends but not a lot of leaders in their life to help them and show them what they need to be doing. This really spoke to me because it made me grow up and be a man that these kids can look up to and be influenced by me.
Another great thing about this summer is the awesome people that I got to meet. The middle school team challenged me in everyday, but I needed it so much. The major thing is patience, there were many times when things got tough but God saw me through it and gave me a lesson to learn that will help me in the future.
In Closing I would just like to thank the church for letting me have this opportunity and opening my eyes and maybe leading me to my call to ministry. And that is something that will stay with me forever. This summer will definitely be remembered as one of the most fun but also the most spiritual and influential one of my life.

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