Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Let your faith lead your life not the fear of today become the leader of your tomorrow.

Luke 8:37 37 Then all the people of the region of the Gerasenes asked Jesus to leave them, because they were overcome with fear. So he got into the boat and left. Fear pushes Jesus away every time.  Instead of letting our faith lead us through moments of fear we let our lack of believe be in the driver seat of our faith.  Moments of fear lead to an example of faithlessness.  We fear what others think; so we don't stand on what is right; we fear what someone might say about us; so we follow the crowd instead of Jesus.  We come face to face with our insecurities, longing form the crowd to like us; so we compromise our faith.  The crazy part is "he got into the boat and left."  Jesus does not remain where he is not welcome.  Don't expect Jesus to walk through the valley with you if you're not willingly to walk through the valley for Him.  Jesus left.  When we display a lack of faith we are asking Jesus to leave.  Let your faith lead your life not the fear of today become the leader of your tomorrow.  Stick with your faith in Jesus.

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