Thursday, September 17, 2009

Relationships are Key

One think I recognize more and more every day is that phrase, Relationships are Key. I don't know if anyone understands this better or does this better than my boss Jeff Lovingood.

I just moved to Long Hollow and the most important thing for me right now is to build relationships.

Here are some questions that might push you in your relationships:
1. Do you spend more time in your office than you do with people as a "minister"? If you are in ministry and you have to spend more time in the office than with people then your not doing ministry right - in my opinion!!!

2. Do you know students, administration, business leaders and others in your community?

3. Do you know students and there stories? Do you know what is going on in your "ministries/small groups" students lives?

4. Do you talk to all the same people all the time or do you branch out?

5. Do you walk slow through the crowd? Some might even dodge the crowd because they are "too important" or you are "too busy." I remember being at a conference once and Andy Stanly was standing out in the lobby spending time with people. If you come to Long Hollow you will see my Pastor always out with the People. WHY? They know the importance of relationships and walking slow through the crowd!!!

These are just a few small thoughts i have on the importance of making Relationships Key!!!

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