Thursday, July 8, 2010

Testimony from LHSM Camp - Gracyn Garrett

This is basically what I talked about at campfire, but I've been struggling with my self-image for a long time. It's just hard to feel beautiful when you wish you were blonde, or don't have flawless skin, or aren't a size two. And as we gave our testimonies in family group the first night I realized I was not alone in my struggle. Everyone wants to feel accepted and good about themselves. This week God taught me that I should find my confidence in Him and be content and embrace the person he has made me! That I trully am "fearfully and wonderfully made" in "the image of God." Who am I to question or be unhappy with His creation?

"You are altogether beautiful, my love. There is no flaw in you." Song of Soloman 4:7

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