We can never be too careful in ministry today. I tell my staff often we are only one accusation away from the end of our carrier.
Does that mean we run from the networking opportunities of the world due to fear? I don't think so. I believe you use it with wisdom and guidelines. Remember Andy Stanly says: "the best question ever is not what is the right thing to do but what is the wise thing to do."
Here are a few principals i would encourage you as a youth worker/volunteer:
1. I Thessalonians 5:22
2. Guys never get into a long texting conversation w/ girls and girls never with guys.
3. If you ever feel "strange" about a text share it w/ your spouse or the youth pastor immediately.
4. Never text anything that could be taken the wrong way.
5. Never text anything that you don't want read out loud. It might not be read out loud on stage but it will be read!
6. Never get into a debate by texting.
7. Always respond unless the text does not demand a response
8. Never Respond to inappropriate texts you might receive.
9. Be careful any MMS text sent.
10. Never send any Pict's of your self no matter if you are just showing them what you look like so they can find you in a crowd. They can look you up on facebook.
11. Be careful any ringtones you send through text. Would there parents approve that ringtone?
12. When you push send be sure you are ok with the world seeing it. IF not then don't hit send!
13. Never talk about someone else by text. It will make it back to them.
In everything you do be sure you have a filter with students or anyone for that matter. Be Wise in all that you do!!!
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