Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Campus Ministry

Here a a few thoughts on Campus Ministry I shared on Matt Lawson's blog a couple of weeks ago.  Thought I would post here also.  I believe campus ministry is something we do poor on in student ministry but is a necessity to reaching students for Christ!

#1 . Be sure your pastor supports school ministry – Your pastor is one of your greatest allies. The more informed, the more equipped he is to support your vision for the campus.
#2. Be sure your students understand the value of school ministry. – Cast the vision to your students.  They are your “in” once on the school campus. 
#3. Obey all the rules. – You work for the principal when you go on that campus, so act like it.  The worst thing you can do is become a renegade on the school campus.  The result will be you getting all “Church organizations” kicked off campus. 
#4. Obey the dress code of the school. – No hat’s, no holes in your pants, no strange shirts. I personally would not wear your student ministry gear either.
#5. Start with the top and work your way down. – Get to know the Principal and the office staff – A few ways to accomplish this: 1. Never leave a school campus without shaking the Vice Principal or the Principal’s hand.  They are always in the cafeteria.  2. Get to know the coaches by stopping by their offices to say hello and offering to do things for their teams.  3. Take with you some starbucks gift cards or chick-fil-a free sandwich cards to give away as you meet teachers, coaches or administration. There are 100 ideas just be thoughtful and respectful always. 
#6. Do not call the teachers or administration by there first name.  - Even if you are good friends. Show respect to the students/administration so the students see you showing respect. This goes a long way with the administration.
#7. Work with teams and organizations in the school. - Be there for the school. Don’t expect the school to be there for you!!! You are there to serve the school not the school to serve you. See how you can help serve the school. Feed the teams, feed the teachers, become chaplains for the teams (Not just football but soccer, basketball, DECA, FCA, help the Marketing class, etc…).
#8. Keep going. – Even when it feels awkward still go b/c relationships are not built on a one-time visit, but over time. Ministry does not happen in the office it happens where the people are!
#9. Never use the Excuse “I can’t get on campus!”  – You might get locked out of lunch but you can help organizations and teams.  Show some effort and figure out the way you can help the schools.  Maybe you can feed all the teachers one day.  If you don’t have the budget money for this ask your church people to do a potluck for all the teachers at the school.  Would be a great mission project for the church. 
#10. Work Hard. – To do campus ministry you sometimes have to turn in a lot of paper work and it is hard and takes a lot of time.  DO IT!!!  Don’t make excuses! 
#11. Have fun and have a positive attitude.. 
#12. NEVER SAY NO TO THE SCHOOL, COACHES, FCA or any organization that allows you the opportunity to help the school.

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